Sickle cell crisis – Role of Family & Nurses

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Written By Naren S Jayas

Naren's expertise lies in the fields of Nursing, Medical, and competitive exam training. 

What is Sickle cell crisis?

Sickle cell crisis is the periodic challenge of a sickle cell anaemic patient which leads to many complication if not managed immediately or properly.


What is Sickle cell anaemia?

Sickle cell anaemia has been a great threat to life. Sickle cell anaemia is a hereditary disorder that occurs as a result of the presence of a sickle shaped red blood cell. this sickling of this red blood cell makes the red blood cell to look like a sickle or C. The sickling occurs as a result of the replacement of glutamine in the position of valine in the position 6 of the beta chain of haemoglobin there by reducing the life span of red blood cell to 20 days.


Signs and symptoms of Sickle cell crisis

Signs and symptoms include chest and leg pain ,leg ulcer, fever ,skull enlargement for babies, anaemia ,low reproductive development. Though this condition is not a death sentence but it can be prevented through different roles of the nurse and the parents namely.


Role of the family and the nurse in the Sickle cell crisis

The potential partners should regularly check their genotype to avoid giving birth to Sickle cell children, they should ensure that they encourage their children to stay away from risk factors of sickle cell crisis such as cold environment, hypoxic environment, high altitude, crowdy area.

The nurse should ensure periodic assessment of a sickle cell patient and ensure correct administration of the routine prescribed drugs such as folic acid and hydroxyurea which helps to reduce their crisis.

Sickle cell crisis is an agonizing condition and the need to prevent its occurrence is the most important aspect.