Blood donation is considered as the biggest donation around the world. Blood donation is also becoming more important because there is always a shortage of blood in the blood banks and more than 5 people who get admitted in the hospital require blood. Which mean every 2-3 second we need blood on our hospitals ready to get transferred. In only the USA there are just 7% of people who are eligible to donate blood while we need far more than that. As we all know there is no other substitute of blood, so it’s high time to understand the need for blood donation. A single visit to donate only a pint of blood, approximately 450ml, can save three lives. Apart from saving three lives, blood donation helps in reducing the iron load from heart and lever of the donor, not only that blood donation decreases the risk of cancer in the donor.
With a simple procedure of filling up the registration form and provide required medical details, one can easily donate blood within 10-20minutes. A healthy person can donate every 56th day, while your body needs little refreshment and just 10-15 minutes to get normal and adjust to its loss.
Need to donate is simple if this less time and efforts can save three lives, there should be no second thoughts about doing this in anyone’s mind. If we all come together to perform this one simple task of donating blood regularly there will no more shortage of blood in hospitals and no one will lose their life or life of their beloved due to unavailability of blood.